Booking & Cancellation Policy

If you haven’t made an appointment yet, book your appointment here.


We will require your full name, email and a contact number to secure your booking. Please notify us of any changes to your contact details.

We recommend you book ahead, Monica can get busy in peak periods.



➡️ A £20 booking fee deposit is required for all bookings of £20 or more.

➡️ Your deposit is NOT an extra charge it is simply held on an account for you on your booking and taken off your final bill.

➡️ Booking fee deposits will be deducted from your total appointment bill when paying, Leaving you with the remaining hairstyle cost to pay on the day of your appointment.

➡️ Please be aware that the only way you would ever LOSE your deposit is if you cancel your scheduled appointment within 24hrs, don’t show up for your appointment or are more than 30 minutes late for your scheduled appointment.

➡️ Booking fee deposits will be refunded if reschedule or cancel your appointment before the 24 hour cancellation period.


You must arrive on time (NO MORE than 30 minutes late) to ensure you receive the full service you have booked in for.

If you are running late, please let us know by phone – we will do everything we can to accommodate you, however,
please keep in mind that we may have to reschedule your appointment, or may not have time to complete the whole service, in which case you will need to make another booking.


We know things crop up and we understand busy lives can mean changes to your schedule, find all the info you need for cancelling your appointment below.

➡️ If you are unable to attend your appointment please notify us as soon as you can (more than 24 hours would be great), this helps us re-allocate your slot. You may know how busy we can get and how frustrating it is when we can’t fit you in so this helps us free up spaces for those wanting to book.  We will do our best to re-schedule you in at our next availablity.

➡️ Cancellations or ammendments including cancelling part of a treatment with less than 24 hours notice or unattended appointments will result in the loss of your booking fee deposit.